// Generated by CodiumAI import React from "react"; import toast from "react-hot-toast"; import FinanceMetrics from "./finance-metrics"; describe('FinanceMetrics_class', () => { // Tests that the component renders a message when there is no data available for a specific period it('test_noDataAvailableForSpecificPeriod', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ pageData: {} // Set pageData to empty object to simulate no data }); expect(wrapper.find('.no-data-message').exists()).toBe(true); }); // Tests that the component handles the case when the API request for finance metrics fails it('test_api_request_failure', () => { // Mock the API request to return an error jest.spyOn(window, 'getDashboardFinanceMetricsAPI').mockRejectedValue(new Error('API request failed')); // Render the component const wrapper = shallow(); // Expect the component to render an error message expect(wrapper.find('.error-message')).toHaveLength(1); }); // Tests that an error toast is displayed when the start date is after the end date in the custom period filter it('test_start_date_after_end_date', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const startDateInput = wrapper.find('#user-startDate'); const endDateInput = wrapper.find('#user-endDate'); startDateInput.simulate('change', { target: { value: '2022-01-01' } }); endDateInput.simulate('change', { target: { value: '2022-01-01' } }); const dropdownToggle = wrapper.find('.profile-dropdown').find('DropdownToggle'); dropdownToggle.simulate('click'); const customOption = wrapper.find('.profile-dropdown').find('DropdownMenu').find('DropdownItem').at(4); customOption.simulate('click'); const toastError = jest.spyOn(toast, 'error'); wrapper.instance().filterByPeriod(); expect(toastError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Select start date'); }); // Tests that the FinanceMetrics component renders the dashboard with default data it('test_rendering_dashboard_with_default_data', () => { // Test code goes here }); });